Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's On: Robert Pattinson Vs. Chuck Norris!

It's On: Robert Pattinson Vs. Chuck Norris!
When we spoke with Twilight star Michael Welsh earlier this week, we made an awesome realization—he appeared in an episode of Texas Walker Ranger back in 1999.
Well, of course we HAD to ask the obvious questions about the seemingly invisible Chuck Norris and our favorite sparkly vampire Edward Cullen:

Who smells better? "Robert Pattinson...he smells like heaven."

Who has a better beard? "You gotta go Chuck Norris with the beard. Nothing beats that thing."

Who looks better in tight jeans? "That becomes a matter of taste at that point because you can’t beat Walker in a tight pair of pants, but Rob… I guess I gotta go with Rob [laughs]."

Who'd win in a fight? "I have to go with Edward Cullen, although you know Walker was pretty invincible, but I don’t think that Walker’s fractured slow-mo could save him against Edward. In fact, in real life Rob’s no slouch in the ring. He could take somebody, but Chuck, I don’t quite think so."

Now, have your say in our poll and the comments section: Who'd win in a fight, Edward Cullen or Chuck Norris?


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