Saturday, July 25, 2009

Talking With 'New Moon's Chris Weitz, Ashley Greene and Melissa Rosenberg!

Chris, what were the challenges of adapting a Twilight book?

In terms of the visuals, just sort of combining a sense of, I mean the last film I did [The Golden Compass] was set in a parallel universe, so we could reinvent the wheel. This one's not only set in a very specific place, and in some ways a very workaday place, but also a place that had already been established in the previous film. And then to take it to flights of fantasy, the Volturi. Really, to be honest, its hiring someone like David Brisbin who is a genius production designer and Javier Aguirresarobe the D.P. who shot things in such a beautiful way. We were able to take a world that had already been established and put it in a setting that is just incredibly rich, and I think it's quite beautiful.

We know the characters are close to people's hearts, but Kristen and Robert have become true superstars, what do you think is the secret of their appeal?

Personally for me, it's how genuine they both are. They're both very authentic people; that comes across on the screen.

Greene: They have great chemistry.

Rosenberg: They're chemistry is incredible together, I mean visually as well. I think that sets them apart.

Ashley, you can Kellan, in this film you play siblings, but then you move on to the next film you're doing together [Warrior]. Is it strange with the two different relationships you have to have with the same person?

No. Kellan and I know each other so well, it's kind of a no brainer and again, we've already got this kind of chemistry. So no it wasn't weird at all. I was kind of wondering about that in the beginning because he's one of my very close friends and we definitely have a platonic relationship. Going and playing romantic, I was wondering if it was going to be harder or easier, but because we're already so comfortable with each other it was actually less awkward than kissing someone I didn't know.

Read the Rest of the Interview Here!


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