Sunday, July 26, 2009

Robert Pattinson too busy to drive

Robert Pattinson has lost his car.

The 'Twilight' actor can't recall where he left the vehicle, despite it being incredibly important to him, after his hectic filming and travelling schedule left him disorganised.

He is reported as saying: "I don't even remember where I left my car. It's probably been towed away by now.

"It's upsetting because it was the first car I ever bought. It made me feel like a man, buying a car."

This is not the first time Robert has had problems with cars.

Last month, the 23-year-old star was hit by a taxi after being mobbed by a group of female fans.

The British star - who was in New York filming new movie 'Remember Me' - attempted to run across the road to escape the hoard of young girls and was clipped by a moving cab.

Fortunately, the driver slammed on his brakes upon impact and the heartthrob walked away from the incident unharmed.


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