Monday, July 27, 2009

MTV Interviews Taylor and Kristen

It isn’t often that, right in the middle of an interview, one of the subjects will suddenly lean over and nearly give the other one a full-on, passionate kiss. But when we caught up with “Twilight” saga stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner recently at Comic-Con, love was in the air.

As thousands of Twilighters walked around the Con wearing Burger King crowns that showed their support for either Team Edward or Team Jacob, 17-year-old Lautner knew the pressure was on. Not even a year ago, Robert Pattinson and Kristen created a rare chemistry that made them superstars, as they mixed their youthful good looks with the sort of classic romance that made the grandparents of their fans swoon over Bogey and Bacall, Tracy and Hepburn or Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. Now he was in San Diego to convince fans that he could accomplish the same feat for “New Moon.”

Full Story: MTV


Miller said...

where is the video for this?

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