Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer School in Forks

MTV News has an article on Summer School in Forks.

After all the time that I’ve spent covering the “Twilight” beat for MTV, I was extremely honored to be asked to attend Summer School in Forks: A “Twilight” Symposium, a real-life fan event that allowed Twilighters to attend classes, go to a prom and enjoy field trips around the real-life town that Meyer immortalized by making it home to her beloved characters.

“We’re having Summer School in Forks right now,” beamed Kaleb Nation, a.k.a. the “Twilight” Guy, a popular blogger/author. “We have all these bands up here for the ‘Twilight’ prom. I gave a speech earlier, and we have all these speakers that have been talking about the series. We have the woman who [voices] the audio books here. It’s been an amazing event for a bunch of Twilighters to get together in Forks.”
Read the rest Here


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