Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Robert Pattinson explains Little Ashes

Robert Pattinson (Regent Releasing image)
Many Robert Pattinson fans know all about Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn but they don't know much about Rob's acting background.

Rob wouldn't have even played Edward Cullen if it wasn't for the movie Little Ashes.

It was whilst filming Little Ashes that Rob fell in love with acting again and decided to carry on making movies rather than going into music.

Rob told The Independent what Little Ashes is about.

He said: "I guess in a lot of ways, it's a story about him (Salvador Dali) putting a mask on.

"In the rest of his life, a lot of the time he forgets he's wearing the mask. Or he's aware he's wearing the mask but he can't get off. I found that the most interesting part of him.

"Someone who's wearing this mask, which is destroying everything in their life... they can't get it off and they can't remember who they were before.

"And if they go back to who they were before, it'll probably destroy them too."


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